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#110 Is Summer Fun Under Assault? Lenore Skenazy

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Lenore Skenazy of Free Range Kids makes the case for carefree summer activities and unstructured playtime---arguing against those who put safety fears ahead of a child's need to explore, be curious and grow.

"If You're a Kid, the Experts Want You to Have a Fun-Free Summer" is the title of a recent article by Lenore.

Summer is a time to "dig in the sand, gulp from the hose, play at the park, and leap with joy," writes Lenore. "Unless you're a kid-- in which case, find yourself a comfy sofa in a dark, quiet room and settle in."

Parents are bombarded with safety messages from the American Academy of Pediatrics, Parenting Magazine and other well-intentioned sites, which give urgent warnings about the hazards of summer. Their advice, says Lenore, is "don't have fun, it's too dangerous."

Find out why being safety obsessed comes at a heavy price. Worried parents risk robbing their children of curiosity about the world and pride in their own achievements.