#279 Our Election 2020 Lessons. Jim and Richard

#279 Our Election 2020 Lessons. Jim and Richard

Days after the historic 2020 election, final results were still coming in. But some lessons of the vote are becoming clear. On this episode, our hosts, Richard and Jim, discuss the five lessons they learned.

1. The system is working - so far. Despite the slow pace of counting, election day was met with massive enthusiasm by voters from all sides.

2. Reform opinion polls - They were wrong again. Polls in Florida, Texas and Wisconsin are among the worst examples. Many polls under-counted Trump voters.

3. Stop Generalizing! The Latino vote is much more complex than many assume. Faulty generalizations are also made about the influence of money in campaigns. 

4. The Woke Counter Rebellion Has Begun. Despite Trump’s unpopularity with moderates, he did better than expected. Many voters may be put off by violence in Portland, progressive calls to defund the police, and higher taxes. 

5. Character Counts.  Joe Biden made this an election about character and decency. He understood the electorate better than most politicians.
Jim and Richard have some lively disagreements, but they find common ground on some big election controversies.

Recommendation: Richard is listening to "Uncivil War", the new album by blues singer, Shemekia Copeland.