How Do We Fix It?

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#214 Rebuilding The Social Contract: Debilyn Molineaux

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#214 Rebuilding The Social Contract: Debilyn Molineaux DaviesContent

Our democracy has become a punching bag. From Russian hacking and hate-filled tweets, to demands for impeachment and increasingly nasty political infighting, our public conversation is increasingly narrow, dispiriting and disempowering.

According to  Pew Research, trust in government is near historic lows. Most Americans believe that declining trust in our public institutions and in each other make it harder to solve key problems. A new poll says 75% of Americans say trust in government is shrinking, while 64% say this is also true for each other-- suggesting we have become more fearful and suspicious.

Our guest, Debilyn Molineaux, Executive Director and co-founder of Bridge Alliance, says it's time to restore the nation's social contract. Her organization works to transform the political process by finding new and effective ways to bridge divides in our politics and among our families and local communities. Find out more in this episode.

Bridge Alliance has more than 80 member organizations. Including All Sides, Common Good, headed by Philip K Howard, Living Room Conversations, Citizen University and Unite America… All groups we’ve interviewed on “How Do We Fix It?”