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#210 Catholic Church Sex Abuse Crisis: Maggi Van Dorn

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#210 Catholic Church Sex Abuse Crisis: Maggi Van Dorn DaviesContent

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Will the Catholic Church's sexual abuse crisis ever end? Nearly 18 years since the Boston Globe's Spotlight investigation's shocking revelations, U.S. bishops and The Vatican still struggle to hold the church fully accountable for decades of criminal wrongdoing.

Last year's Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report revealed that over 1,000 children had been abused by Catholic priests across six dioceses over seven decades. A new Pew Research Survey finds that a large majority of American Catholics think abuse by clergy is still happening. 

This episode looks at the crisis from a unique perspective. Maggi Van Dorn, a Catholic committed to healing the Church from the inside, hosts "Deliver Us", a frank and remarkable series of podcasts that spoke with survivors of abuse, advocates and church experts. 

"The Church is marred in a really ugly way," Maggi tells us. "As a member of this family, it's really incumbent on me to work for reform."

We discuss solutions, such as the Dallas Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, the campaign to get justice for survivors, calls for greater transparency, and a stronger role for women in the leadership of the Church. 

Listen to "Deliver Us" here.