How Do We Fix It?

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#235: 2020: Celebrating Collaborations and Sharing

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#235 2020: Celebrating Collaborations and Sharing DaviesContent

If independent podcasts are to prosper and survive in this era of growing commercialization, big media, and multi-million dollar podcast investments, we need to grow our community: Share, collaborate and promote groups, individuals and podcasters who share many of our goals.

In this first "How Do We Fix It?" episode of 2020, we include recent interviews with leaders and supporters of Bridge AllianceCivic HallHeterodox AcademySolutions Journalism Network and Listen First Project. We support their efforts to strengthen democracy, boost curiosity, find constructive solutions and emphasize the positive.

We've included clips from our 2019 interviews with Debilyn MolineauxArthur BrooksMicah SifryJodie Jackson and Pearce Godwin

As we celebrate collaboration and sharing, we also want to give a shout-out to three more vital groups that we will be working with in 2020: The McCourtney Institute for Democracy at Penn State University, Common Ground Committee, and New Books Network. All are working hard to promote the work of those who seek to make the world a better place.

This week's recommendations from Jim and Richard...

Book to read: "The Years That Matter Most" by Paul Tough.

NiemanLab blog: "Podcasting Unsilences the Silent" by Joni Deutsch.