How Do We Fix It?

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#242: How to Open Your Mind - Jerry Taylor

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#242: How to Open Your Mind - Jerry Taylor DaviesContent

It's rare to meet someone who has re-thought some of his deepest convictions. In this episode, we go on a journey with one of America's leading public intellectuals, Jerry Taylor, President and Founder of the Niskanen Center, who describes himself today as a "radical moderate" who has moved away from the libertarianism of his earlier years.

We focus on climate change. Jerry says he used to be a "lukewarmist", but now sees it as an urgent crisis. "The evidence for climate change as a significant, serious problem that requires really aggressive responses has become stronger and stronger over time," he says.

Unlike most think tanks, the Niskanen Center (established in 2015) is not tied to any particular ideology, but prides itself in being pragmatic, and working "to advance an open society by active engagement in the war of ideas."  

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