#183 Our Many Perception Gaps: Sam Laine Perfas

Our guest in this episode is Samantha Laine Perfas, host of the new podcast series, "Perception Gaps". She tells us "there are things we perceive to be true that are simply not. And challenging us to think about these misperceptions... begins to peel back the layers of why we believe what we believe."

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#182 Has The Opioid Crisis Peaked? Sam Quinones

For this episode, we include last year's "How Do We Fix It?" interview with journalist Sam Quinones, author of the highly praised book, "Dreamland: The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic."

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#175 Bridging Divide. Renewing Democracy: Carolyn Lukensmeyer

Dr. Carolyn Lukensmeyer, is the Executive Director of the National Institute for Civil Discourse. She has a track record of working for notable non-profits and has worked for the state and federal government.

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#174 Lessons from Reagan: Bob Spitz

Our guest, best-selling biographer Bob Spitz, is the author of "Reagan: An American Journey", a richly detailed, riveting, and account of a remarkable life.

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#166 Populism: Bigger Than Trump? Salena Zito

Most political experts did not think that Trump could win the 2016 election. Was Trump’s win a one-off event, or did it represent a fundamental realignment of American politics?

Our guest, Salena Zito, author of "The Great Revolt", argues that experts and elites are out of touch with Trump supporters. Zito has written extensively about Trump and populism. Her work has appeared in the New York Post, the Washington Examiner, and she has been a contributor to The Atlantic. 

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