#136 Ending Sexual Harassment: Claire Cain Miller

Our guest is journalist Claire Cain Miller, who writes for The Upshot, a New York Times site that covers policy and economics. What actually stops sexual harassment at work? Miller discusses solutions and challenges.

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#135 What's Ahead in 2018: Richard and Jim's Forecast

In this episode, Jim and Richard bravely venture out onto the high diving board of ideas and plunge into the pool of predictions. We also asked listeners and "How Do We Fix It?"guests for their forecasts of the year to come.

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#130 A Fresh Look at Freedom: Russell Shorto

We discuss the American Revolution through six different pairs of eyes with acclaimed historian and journalist, Russell Shorto, author of the new book, "Revolution Song." Shorto is an acclaimed author. He is well known for the book, "The Island at the Center of the World."

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#125 The Harvey Weinstein Sex Scandal: What Next? Anne Thompson

Anne Thompson, Editor-at-Large for the movie-news site, Indiewire, is our guest. Anne is a veteran entertainment journalist who has worked for the Hollywood Reporter, Variety, and Entertainment Weekly. She's the author of the book, "The $11 Billion Year: From Sundance to The Oscars."

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#124 Russia's Threat to U.S. Democracy: Amy Knight

Amy Knight, has been called "the West's foremost scholar of the KGB” by The New York Times. In her book "Orders to Kill "Knight traces Putin's journey from the Federal Security Service (FSB) in the late 1990's to his rise to absolute power in the Kremlin. 

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