#187 The Fight to End Gerrymandering: Katie Fahey

With a simple Facebook post saying that she wanted to end partisan gerrymandering, Katie Fahey sparked the beginnings of an extraordinary grassroots campaign. Katie is in her late 20's. With neither connections nor deep pockets, she started Voters Not Politicians to change Michigan's State Constitution. 

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#186 8 For ‘18. The Year’s Big Lessons

All year long, the headlines were dominated by President Trump, from his abrupt decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, to his harsh descriptions of migrants and the long fight over a border wall.

But what were some of the other big takeaways from 2018: The surprising findings that may have a longer-term impact than the furious fights over the President's behavior and policies?

This episode, "8 for '18, looks at the growing power of women in politics and media, concerns about capitalism, rising debt, climate change, and why there's hope from the heartland and a strong case for optimism.

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