#283 Mothers, Families and COVID - Erica Komisar

Despite the tragedy, suffering and economic losses of COVID, there are silver linings for many families in the current crisis. Recent lockdowns have a bright side for teens: A new survey says they're spending more time with their parents, getting extra sleep, and suffering from lower levels of clinical depression.

Our guest, New York psychoanalyst, parent coach, and author Erica Komisar, wrote in The Wall Street Journal "it has taken a pandemic to prove that it's possible to integrate work into our personal lives, as many millions of parents are now working from home. "Everyone wins— maternity-leave advocates who have been fighting for this arrangement for years, employers, mothers and children most of all."

In lockdowns, Erica tells us, "children are getting a great deal more of their parents' time and attention and energy than they have previously.'

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