#62 Playdates & Class Divisions? Tamara Mose How Do We Fix It?

Remember when kids were allowed to play without supervision, when did that change? When did play turn into a playdate?

Today many parents organize playdates. Play is arranged, supervised, and has the parental seal of approval. "

I think we could add more diversity into how our children play with other children,"says our guest, Tamara Mose, Associate Professor of Sociology at Brooklyn College.

Tamara is the author of the new book "The Playdate: Parents, Children and the New Expectations of Play" In this episode we look at how the shift to structured playdates reflects changes in parenting and class. "Let's listen to our children's desires," Tamara urges parents. "I think we've lost the ability to do that because we're so afraid of everything our children interact with.'

We discuss other solutions, including tips for successful playdates and being open to a greater range of children from diverse backgrounds.

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