#19 Parents Going Nuts With Worry. Lenore Skenazy: How Do We Fix It?

In this episode, Jim and Richard re-visit their entertaining and provocative conversation with Lenore Skenazy, host of the cable TV show, "World's Worst Mom" and founder of Free-Range Kids. The movement was sparked by the huge response to Lenore's article about allowing her 9-year-old son to ride the subway alone in New York City. She tells us that if you always protect your children from every possible danger they never get a chance to grow up.

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#7 Your Personal Finance Is A Disaster: Farnoosh Torabi How Do We Fix It?

"Anything is possible in your financial life as long as you work hard at it, and want it bad enough," says personal financial expert Farnoosh Torabi. The host of the daily podcast, "So Money," Farnoosh is a nationally known author and journalist, who has dedicated her career to explaining the mysteries of money in savvy, sensible and clear ways. Her work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Entrepreneur and many other publications. Learn more about Farnoosh at www.Farnoosh.tv.

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