#6 The Sharing Economy: Middle Class Threat? Marcela Sapone, How Do We Fix It?

The on-demand economy is a hit with consumers. Uber, Lyft, Homejoy, and other companies provide a growing number of convenient services. But there's a heated debate about how they treat their workers. Should they be classified as independent contractors or full-time employees who qualify health care, disability and other benefits? Richard and Jim's guest is Marcela Sapone, CEO of Hello Alfred, a startup company that dispatches workers to co-ordinate laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping and other chores. She has useful tips for freelancers and outspoken views about how employees should be treated by companies, communities and the government.

The on-demand economy is a hit with consumers.  Uber, Lyft, Homejoy, and other companies provide a growing number of convenient services. But there's a heated debate about how they treat their workers. Should they be classified as independent contractors or full-time employees who qualify for health care, disability and other benefits? Richard and Jim's guest is Marcela Sapone, CEO of Hello Alfred, a startup company that dispatches workers to co-ordinate laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping and other chores.  She has useful tips for freelancers and outspoken views about how employees should be treated by companies, communities and the government.